Jean Bodin (1530 - 1596)

Keywords: sovereignty
Major Work: The Six Books of the Commonwealth
Description: French Royalist, has been described as an 'enlightened monarchist'.
Online Texts: The Six Books of the Commonwealth
Resources: Bodin on Sovereignty
























(Source: On Sovereignty (ed. J.H.Franklin) Camnbridge texts in the history of social and political thought)

Oratio de instituenda in republica in juventute ad Senatum Populumque Tolosatem, in Pierre Mesnard (ed.), Oeuvres phihsophiques de Jean Bodin (Paris, 1951), pp. 7-30 [Address to the Senate and people of Toulouse on Education of Youth in the Commonwealth, trans. George Albert Moore (Chevy Chase, 1965)].

Methodus ad facilem historiarum cognitionem, in Mesnard (ed.), CEuvres philosophiques de Jean Bodin, pp. 107-269 [Method for the Easy Comprehension of History', trans. Beatrice Reynolds(New York, 1945)].

La vie chère au XVIe siècle. La response de Jean Bodin à M. de Alalestroit, ed. Henri Hauser (Paris, 1932) [The Response of Jean Bodin to the Paradoxes of M. Malestroit, edition of 1578,
trans. George Albert Moore (Chevy Chase, 1946-47)].

Les six livres de la republique (Paris, 1583; reprinted Aalen 1961). Another edition, based on text of 1593 (Paris, 1986) [The Six Bookes of a Commonweale, trans. Richard Knolles (London, 1606), reprinted with apparatus by Kenneth D McRae (Cambridge, Mass., 1962). I sei libri dello Stato de Jean Bodin, trans. and ed. Margherita Isnardi Parente, 2 vols. containing Books I-IV (Turin, 1988).

Recueil de tout ce qui s 'est negotié en la compagnie du TieTier Estat de France en I'assemblée générale des trois estats, assignez par le roy en la villed de Blois, au novembre 1576 (n.p., 1577).

Juris universi distributio, in Mesnard (ed.), Oevures philosophiques de Jean Bodin, pp. 71-80 [Tableau du droit universel, ibid., pp. 83-97]. Another edition, Latin and French (Paris, 1985).

De La Démonomanie des sociers (Paris, 1580; reprinted Paris, 1979; Hildesheim, 1988)

Apologie de René Herpin pour la République de J. Bodin an answer to critics written by Bodin himself; included as an appendix in Six livres de la republique (1583; reprinted 1961 ,1986).

De republica libri sex (Latin version of Republique), (Paris, 1586).

Sapientiae moralis epitome . . . ab Helia Bodino Joannis filio collecta, in Paul Lawrence Rose (ed.}, Jean Bodin, Selected Writings on Philosophy, Religion, and Politics (Geneva, 1980) pp. 21-31. The text is by Bodin himself and comes with a parallel translation into French.

Universae naturae theatrum (Lyon and Paris, 1596) [Le theatre de la nature universelle..., trans. Fr. de Fougerolles (Lyon, 1597)}.

Paradoxon, quod nec virtus ulla in mediocritate, nec summum hominis bonium in virtutis actione consistere possit 9Paris, 1596) [Le Paradoxe de J. Bodin...qu'il n'y a pas une seule vertu en médiocrité, ny au milieu de deux vices..., Bodin's translation published post-humously 9Paris 1598; reprinted in Paul Lawrence Rose (ed.) Selected Writings on Philosophy, religion, and Politics, pp 43-75)].

Colloqium heptaplomeres de rerum sublimium arcanis abditis, ed L. Noack (scwerin, 1857) (New York, 1970) [Colloqium of the Seven secretes of the sublime, trans. M.L.D.Kuntz (Princeton, 1975)