Felix and Alice in Wonderland:
The Encounter between Guattari and Berardi and the Post-Media Era - Michael Goddard
The Vertigo of Philosophy: Deleuze and the Problem of Immanence Christian Kerslake
Anti-Oedipus. From Psychoanalysis to Schizopolitics - Semiotexte 1977Review of Hyppolite's Logic and Existence - Deleuze
Body without Organs - from A Thousand Plateaus
Control and Becoming - Negri interviews Deleuze
Excerpts from Letter to a Harsh Critic - Deleuze
Selection of Gilles Deleuze's definitions of Spinoza's concepts:Negation - from Spinoza: Practical Philosophy
Selection of D&G's definitions in Anti-Oedipus:
Theatrum Philosophicum -Foucault reviews Deleuze's Difference and Repetition and the Logic of Sense
Capitalism: A very Special delirium - GD and FG
A lecture by Deleuze (video)
Marxism and Dualism in Deleuze, by Fredric Jameson (1997)
The courses of Gilles Deleuze at Vincennes (in French and English with audio and transcripts)
Collection of resources on Deleuze and Guattari
The Guattari Reader (Gary Genosko ed) in pdf
Antonio Negri on A Thousand Plateau, trans. by Charles T. Wolfe (1992)
Gilles Deleuze on Desire and Pleasure, trans. Melissa McMahon (1994)
All of Deleuze's lectures transcribedPostscript on the Societies of Control - Deleuze
May 68 did not take place - Deleuze & Guattari
Pragmatic/Machinic: Discussion with Felix Guattari (19 March 1985)