Kojève contributed to Recherches Philosophiques - other participants included: Bachelard, Levinas, Brice Parain, Koyre, Leo Strauss, Corbin, Wahl, Raymond Aron, Lacan. He taught in the division of religious sciences assistant to Alexandre Koyre at the Ecole des Haute Etudes. His seminars on Hegel between 1933-1939 became legendary.
"It was through Kojève that Bataille came to know Hegel and his Hegel would remain Kojèvian to the end." - In Hollier ed. The College of Sociology p. 87
According to Althusser 'Kojève culls an anthropology from Hegel, he develops the subjective aspect of Hegelian negativity, deliberately neglecting its objective aspect.'
Althusser commends Kojève for reintroducing the idea of negativity as subjectivity in Hegel. However reproached for thus having divided the Hegelian dialectic. Althusser argues that the Hegelian totality must be seen as both substance and subject. In this 1949 essay, Althusser claims the existential marx is a 'travesty' because it has failed to take into account the objectivist elements of Hegel's doctrine. These, for Althusser, are necessary for a proper appreciation of Marx.
'Hyppolite's non-reductionistic interpretation of the relation between the Phenomenology and the Logic effectively ended the simple anthropological interpretation of Hegel popularised by Kojeve before world war II.' (translators preface, p. viii, Logic and Existence).
After the Second World War Kojève became an official in the administration of the French Government.