image of eclipse

Paolo Virno

Paolo Virno (Napoli, 1952-)
Major Works: A Grammar of the Multitude, Quando il Verbo si fa Carne Quote:

"Unremunerated social cooperation, or what little of it is found today -- and that seeming something of a fetish -- as a potent aspect of human labour, restores to production time body and quality, feeling and relationships, the pleasure of understanding and the desire to organise with the greatest possible tactical intelligence one's own hatred. Within this 'diachronic zone' of the work-day is also situated the problem of hedonism, of realised happiness, of the restored power of the category of the individual, beyond any ideological parody of the self." (from Dreamers of a successful life - Autonomia, 1980)

"We cannot question wage labour without introducing a powerful idea of freedom of speech; we cannot seriously invoke freedom of speech without aiming to suppress wage labour." (from Lessico Postfordista)

Journals: Forme di Vita, Posse, Multitudes, Global Magazine, Metropoli Political associations: Autonomia, Disobbedienti
On this site
On other sites

The difficulty of saying 'no' (2012)

Wit and innovative action - Prologue

Il ricordo del presente - excerpt

General Intellect (Entry in Postfordist Lexicon)

Creating a new public sphere without the State

The right to resistance

From violence to resistance

Between disobedience and exodus

Facing a new 17th century

General Intellect, Exodus, Multitude

Multitude or Working Class

The Republic of the Multitude

The dismeasure of art

One and Many (extract from Quando il Verbo si fa Carne)

Labour and Language

Public Sphere, Labour and Multitude: Strategies of resistance to Empire (2003, with Antonio Negri)

Debate with Judith Revel on the Foucault/Chomsky debate (2002)

Moltitudine e Principio di Individuazione (Italian)

There used to be more before it was taken away ... evviva l'intelletto generale che fu!

Virtuosity and Revolution: the Political Theory of Exodus

Mayday: La Festa del General Intellect (Italian, 2004)

Apparenze Postfordiste (Italian, 2001)



Review of Motto di Spirito e azione innovativa (AB)

Notes on Quando il Verbo si fa Carne (AB)

A Grammar of the Multitude

Virno Texts in Spanish

Interview with Paolo Virno, Barcellona 2003

De la violencia a la resistencia

Gramatica de la Multitud



Motto di spirito e azione innovativa. (Rubettino, 2005)

Quando il verbo si fa carne. Linguaggio e natura umana. (Bollati Boringhieri, 2003)

Scienze sociali e ‘natura umana’. Facoltà di linguaggio, invariante biologico, rapporti di produzione. (Rubbettino, 2003)

Esercizi di esodo. Linguaggio e azione politica (Ombre Corte, 2002)

Grammatica della moltitudine. Per una analisi delle forme di vita contemporanee. (Rubettino, 2001)

Gilbert Simondon: L’individuazione psichica e collettiva. (edited by P. Virno, DeriveApprodi, 2001)

Il ricordo del presente. Saggio sul tempo storico (Bollati Boringhieri, 1999)

Radical Thought in Italy. (edited with Michael Hardt, University of Minnesota Press, 1996)

Parole con parole. Poteri e limiti del linguaggio (Donzelli, 1995)

Mondanità. L’idea di 'mondo' tra esperienza sensibile e sfera pubblica. (Manifestolibri, 1994)

Opportunisme, cynisme et peur. Ambivalence di désenchantement suivi de Les labyrinthes de la langue (Editions de l’éclat, Paris-Combas 1991)